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ESP32-CAM WiFi Module
CNC Shaft & Guide Set
DPS5005 50V, 5A Bluetooth Volt Amp USB Power Control Board
W1209 12V DC Digital Temperature Controller
IR Thermal Camera (AMG8833).
500mw/Blue Violet 405nm LASER HEAD MODULE 12V for CNC
Component Tester
Mini thermal printer (RS232)
Wemos NodeMCU ESP8266 with OLED
Linear Actuator 12V DC 100mm 900N 90KG
STM8S208MB Development Board. (Special Edition)
SKKT106B16E SCR Power Modules
Real Time Clock Module DS3231 AT24C32
GPRS/GSM module A6 mini (Tested)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1
ESP12E Wi-Fi Module
HC12 Wireless Transceiver Module
FTDI Module FT232RL USB to TTL Serial Converter
LoRa Ra-02 with Breakout Board
Arduino Motor Drive Expansion Board L293D
RFID Module RDM 6300
Bluetooth Module HC-05
LM2596 DC-DC Adjustable Step Down Module
0.56″ 4-Digit 7-Segment Clock Module
0.91 Inch OLED Display Module 128X32
1 Channel 5V Relay Module Arduino Compatible
12V 8 Channel Red Color Relay Module
12v 8 channel relay module
12V DC Brushless Cooling Fan
12V DC Brushless Cooling Fan
24V DC Brushless Cooling Fan
2S 20A BMS 7.4V/ 8.4V Protection Board
3 Channel PWM, Frequency, Duty Module
3S 20A BMS
3S 40A BMS Module
4 Channel Logic Level Converter Module
4-way Infrared Tracking Sensor Module
40W Laser Module
4ch RF Switch Receiver 433/315mhz with Remote
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1
5A Adjustable Power Constant Current Constant Voltage. Buck Module
5V 1Channel SSR Module
5V 2 Channel Red Color Relay Module
5V 4 Channel Red Color Relay Module (Songle)
5V 8 Channel Red Color Relay Module
5V Laser Module
5v Mini Electric Lock / Door Lock
5V-3.3V 8-Channel Logic Level Converter
7db Antenna + NRF24L01 GT24 Long Range Wireless Module
A3967 Stepper motor driver board
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1
A6 GSM GPRS Module (Tested)
A7 GSM/GPS Shield
AC Current Clamp Sensor 100A SCT-013-000 Non-invasive
ACS712-30A Current Sensor Module
Adjustable Buck Module 75W XL4015 DC-DC
ADS1115 16-Bit ADC – 4 Channel
Air Quality Monitoring Sensor ZPHS01B
AMS1117 3.3V 1A Voltage Regulator
AMS1117-5V 1A Voltage Regulator
Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor
Arduino Motor Driver Shield
Arduino nano Multifunction expansion board V3.0
Arduino Nano R3 With Cable
Arduino uno Expension Board
AT89S52 Digital Clock Module
ATmega128A Development Smart Board
ATTINY85 USB Development Board
Audio Amplifier TDA2030A
B0505S 5V-5V Isolated Module -1W
Bluetooth Module BT06
Bluetooth Music Receiver
Bluetooth Wireless Serial Port HC-06
BMP280 Barometric Pressure + Temperature Module
Boost Module 1.5A Multi-function Mini Step Up
Bootloader shield For Arduino
BTS7960 43A H-bridge Motor Driver module
Buck Converter Max 12A
Buck Converter Module
Buck Module XH-M291 5A
buck-boost power supply
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V1.2
Capacitive touch switch
Capacitive Touch Switch TTP224
CH340 USB to ESP8266 ESP-01 Wifi Module Adapter
CH340 USB to TTL Converter UART Module
CNC Shield V3 3D Printer Expansion Board
CNC Shield V4 Board For Nano
CO2 Sensor Carbon Dioxide Sensor Module
Co2 Sensor Transmitter High Accuracy Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Colour Sensor Module TCS3200
Condenser MIC without pins
Cooling Fan With Heatsink
CSY007 Music led controller For WS2812B/SK6812/XT1511
Current Sensor ACS712-5A
Current to Voltage Converter
Current Transformer CT-051 CT
DC 12v mini cooling fan
DC 6V Solenoid Electric Door Lock
DC ADJ Boost Module XL6009
DC Motor Driver L298N Green Color